These Days, Mobile Phones and The Internet Are Critical to How People Relate

These Days, Mobile Phones and The Internet Are Critical to How People Relate to One Another Socially. Do the Advantages of This Development Outweigh the Disadvantages?

In this epoch of modernization, people are fully dependent on mobile and the internet, as they assist them to be connected will others. Thus, individuals have to face both the pones and cons of this notion, but most of the time advantages are more.

To commence with, there are numerous reasons why the use of mobile phones has become an advantage for people of all ages. Since it is a prominent and fast way of communicating with individuals who are at some distance. At the same time, the internet has also become the most salient aspect of everyone’s life, from schools to offices. Moreover, a couple of mobile phones and the internet have made it possible for people to have conversations globally. For example, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media applications assist people in showcasing their talent and exploring their skills at the international level. Apart from this, a point for the other side of this is also there.

On the contrary, excessive use of everything is bad. Sometimes when children overuse mobile phones and squander their precious time despite studying, their eyesight gets affected. Thus, parents have to restrict their screen time. Even there is some age-restricted content on the internet that can distract younger ones. For instance, most of the social media platforms are only for 16-plus individuals. However, children make their fake accounts. Hence, they enter into a life which is not suitable for them.

To conclude, nowadays, the internet and mobile phones are an essential part of everyone’s life as they help people connect with others and polish their skills at a global level since social media is a very salient aspect. However, sometimes, it may affect youngsters’ maturity when they view age-restricted content and excess screen time can affect their eyesight.

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