Today, Many People Do Not Know Their Neighbours

Today, Many People Do Not Know Their Neighbours. Why Is This? What Can Be Done About This?

It is an irrefutable fact that, nowadays, in urban areas, numerous masses hardly even know about their co-tenants due to the nature of the work they do. Such a trend would bring several issues that need more urgent action. This essay will analyze various reasons why this is happening and how it can be solved.

To commence with, there are several issues associated with getting less social due to their hectic schedule, although there are a plethora of options available to socialize with their neighbours. Firstly, numerous masses tend to live alone and do not care for others, which is a serious problem in urban areas and may cause depression. For epitome, the headline of the famous news channel BBC revealed that 40% of people are suffering from psychological problems and commuting suicide due to the fact that they do not interact with others. Secondly, if someone has a health problem and lives alone, he cannot find anyone to help him.

While the problems are not insurmountable, in my opinion, there are several solutions to overcome. The first solution is that other communication methods could be used if physical interaction is not possible, and parties may be organized to improve socialization. For instance, any household could create social media groups on WhatsApp or Facebook accounts so that they can share and communicate with each other. Another option would be for families to let their kids play with each other, and in this way, parents could meet and get to know other parents.

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In conclusion, although less communication and a hectic schedule are two major reasons behind having less time to know the next-door families, there are some suggested ways to rectify it, such as making online groups and allowing their children to play together.

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