Today More People Are Travelling than Ever Before

Today More People Are Travelling than Ever Before. Why Is This the Case? What Are the Benefits of Travelling for The Traveller? Give Reasons for Your Answer and Include Any Relevant Examples from Your Own Knowledge or Experience.

🌍 It is undoubtedly true that the number of passengers has increased compared to previous times. This could be for various reasons, and there are some benefits to travelling.

Commenting on the cause of booming travellers, it is because of work, as people need to commute from their homes to the office or use public transport for their work. In tandem with this, some local commuters travel by bus or train according to their work schedule, and the timing of all the travellers is almost the same for morning and evening, which might be the reason for more passengers nowadays. In addition to this, transportation has become more accessible in today’s era compared to before, as earlier there were no fixed timings for buses or trains. Still, now everything is well managed by the system.

There are some benefits to people travelling more in this modern era. Firstly, tourists can meet different people while travelling and communicate with each other, which may help in exchanging culture and customs. For instance, many private companies ask their employees to visit other countries, which will help in learning different languages. Secondly, travelling can help many people stay physically fit and enjoy various types of food. Moreover, they will make new friends, which will help them share their thoughts and ideas.

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In conclusion, while there are some causes, such as travel for official work, there are also benefits, such as sharing culture and customs by visiting different places.

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