You Are a Teacher at A Secondary School (High School). You Have Been Asked

You Are a Teacher at A Secondary School (high school). You Have Been Asked to Arrange a Visit to A Local Museum or Tourist Attraction for Some of Your Students. Write a Letter to The Manager of The Museum or Tourist Attraction. In your Letter You Should:-

  • Say Who You Are and Which School You Teach At.
  • Say Why the School Would Like the Students to Visit the Museum/attraction.
  • Ask About Educational Facilities or Information that The Museum/attraction Can Provide.

Dear Sir,

My name is Simon Badeji, and I am a secondary school art teacher at Longford International School in Lagos, Nigeria. I am writing this letter to inform you that we are considering bringing students from my school on an excursion to your museum. This decision is informed based on the research I have carried out about your museum.

During my research about your museum, I discovered that it is one of the best in our locality and that it showcases different arts ranging from contemporary to timeless classics. In addition to this, I found out that there are some artefacts in your museum that date back to the 19th century, and I believe they will be very informative and educational to the students.

However, I would like to have more information about the museum. I am interested in knowing the facilities and services that are available for secondary students since this excursion is for educational purposes. In addition, I would like to know if your museum can accommodate about one hundred and fifty students as this is the tentative number of students we are considering bringing for the excursion. Also, I would really appreciate any other helpful information you can provide.

I am looking forward to receiving a quick and positive response from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours Faithfully,

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