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You Normally Go Shopping in The Area Where You Live: GT Writing Task 1

You Normally Go Shopping in The Area Where You Live

You normally go shopping in the area where you live. However, you think some of the facilities for shoppers could be improved. Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter:

Sample: You Normally Go Shopping in The Area Where You Live

Dear sir,

My name is Hemali. I am writing this letter to express my concern about improving the facilities in my area regarding shopping. I live in the middle of the city where all the products are easily available.

However, there are few lacks of facilities which feels somewhat dissatisfaction. For instance, parking is a serious issue because of the shortage of parking area and, secondly, the lack of availability of medicine surrounding my area. Hence, all these issues will be resolved, and then the demand for products will increase by leaps and bounds.

Generally, I like the collection and availability of products. In contrast, we face issues regarding parking and amenities to purchase any type of medicine.

I want to suggest you print about the market and share a customer survey in your newspaper. Therefore shopkeepers will consider this and take action accordingly. Additionally, we can have at least our day-to-day medicine.

Waiting for your positive response.

Yours faithfully

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