πŸ“– Describe an Article You Read in A Magazine or On the Internet

πŸ“– Describe an Article You Read in A Magazine or On the Internet that Could Help People Improve Their Health. You Should Say:

  • When You Read It?
  • Where did You Read It?
  • What It Was About?
  • And Explain Why (you Think) It Could Improve People’s Health.

I love reading, and it’s also very essential for my life since I am in business development and need to look into new things. Reading articles is one of my favourite activities.

In a recent edition of an article from one of my favourite publishers about health and benefits, I was reading in the car while going home, The article was about using herbs and home remedies to cure many untold diseases.

For example, using turmeric powder with warm water can reduce sneezing and flu. Using black pepper can reduce the chances of exposure to COVID-19. There were numerous other methods mentioned.

This will be very beneficial for families, as taking such herbs as medicines will not only reduce costs but also improve lives. It will help them financially, as many modern medicines are costly.

These homemade remedies will not give instant results but will be very beneficial in the long run. I think this information should be spread widely, and more families and individuals should start using it. It can also be taken even if you are not ill, especially for children with low immunity.

SPEAKING PART 3: Questions

Question 1:- How do you think people could become healthier? πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

Obtaining a great lifestyle can lead them to good health. For instance, they should exercise regularly, drink enough water and juice, and stay away from polluted environments.

Question 2:- Are there any differences between the way old people and young people try to stay healthy? 🍎

Yes, there is a vast difference. Older people don’t like taking medicine and prefer homemade remedies. The food they eat is organic. Young people tend to eat fast food when hungry and keep eating indiscriminately. When ill, they need medicine that reacts immediately in their body.

Question 3:- Do schools in your country have any special activities to enhance the fitness of students? 🏫

Yes, aerobic classes, karate classes, and swimming classes are especially available in schools nowadays, which help improve children’s health through special activities.

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Question 4:- Do you think people in the future will be doing more exercise and eating healthier than they are today? πŸ₯—

Yes, considering today’s examples where people are getting ill and admitted to hospitals, they eat fast food and rely on medicines to get fit. Eating healthier can make your life better. Eating organic food and green vegetables is beneficial.

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