A Place You Want to Visit with Your Friends.

A Place You Want to Visit with Your Friends.

  • What Is the Place?
  • When Do You Want to Go?
  • With Whom You Want to Go?
  • Why Do You Want to Go with Your Friends?

India is renowned for its natural beauty and attracts thousands of tourists every year who come to enjoy the scenic views of nature 🌿.

On one side, hilly areas are teeming with greenery, while on the other, there are the plains of Rajasthan, showcasing beautiful old buildings made by the emperors of the time, especially the Mughals.

Today, however, I would like to talk about where I want to go with my friends, and that is the Queen of Hills, Shimla.

I want to go there in the coming winter vacations to enjoy the beautiful snowfall on the mountains because, while families always put restrictions on your enjoyment, with friends, you can fully enjoy 🌨️❄️.

My uncle lives there and has always invited me to visit. He told me about the scenic beauty of nature and some famous places like Mall Road and Jakhu Temple. There’s always a rush of visitors on Mall Road every day. Jakhu Temple is also worth seeing and is a very old historic temple 🛤️🏔️.

I decided to go with my friends because, in the past, I always went with my family, but now I want to spend time with my friends as well, since friends are also an integral part of our life.

Moreover, some of our school friends who have settled abroad, including some from Canada, will be coming in the winter, and they too insist on going together.

So, I am planning in advance to ensure we face no difficulties during our trip. I have also taken permission from my parents for this 📅✈️.

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Q-1: Why do people prefer to visit hilly areas?

Ans: People are drawn to the beauty of hilly areas, where tall trees and snowfall on the trees present a scenic view of nature. Moreover, there is less air pollution in these areas, as the large number of trees helps to decrease it 🌲❄️.

Q-2: What is the difference in weather between hills and plains in summer?

Ans: There is a huge difference in weather between hills and plains. In summer, people residing in plains suffer from the scorching heat of the sun, but on the other hand, the weather in hilly areas is very pleasant. This is why people living in plains prefer to visit hilly areas in summer ☀️🌡️.

Q-3: What is the benefit of visiting a place with friends rather than family?

Ans: While I enjoy visiting places with both my family and friends, one benefit of going with friends is that you can enjoy the place without too many restrictions. Moreover, all friends are of the same age, and there would be no difference between their likes and dislikes 🤝🎉.

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