What Is Your Idea of A Perfect Home.

What Is Your Idea of A Perfect Home?

  • Where Would It Be?
  • How Would It Loo?
  • When Do You Think You Would Have Such a Home?

Every person has three basic necessities in his life: food, shelter, and clothing. πŸ²πŸ πŸ‘• Every human being dreams of having a perfect home, so today, I would like to talk about my dream house.

At present, I live in an apartment in the Moga district of Punjab. My house is near the Grand Trunk Road, and due to this, there is a lot of noise pollution and air pollution. πŸš—πŸ’¨

There is no greenery around my house, which is crucial for reducing air pollution. The house is quite small, lacks parking facilities, and I have to park my car on the street, which can be very risky due to frequent incidents of theft in the city.

I dream of building my house in a hilly area because I dislike the scorching heat of the plains. πŸŒ„ The weather in the hilly areas is very pleasant. Tall trees on the hillside and green grass everywhere present a scenic view of nature.

I want a two-story house with a small garden in front of it, as I am fond of gardening. 🌳🌺 I would like to have a small swimming pool in my house and a balcony from where I could enjoy the beauty of nature. πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈπŸŒ…

I envision Italian-style furniture and a very beautiful interior. My dream house would have 4 bedrooms with attached bathrooms, two drawing rooms, one kitchen, a prayer room, and a gym room. πŸ›ŒπŸ½πŸ™πŸ’ͺ Additionally, I plan to install a solar system in my house to save electricity. β˜€οΈπŸ”‹

I am saving money for my dream house. I save a portion of my salary every month and deposit it into my bank account. Once I’ve saved the required amount, I will start my dream project.

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Q-1: Is it easy to fulfill your dream in this modern era?

Ans: No, it is not as easy as it seems because inflation has increased the prices of all materials required to build a dream project. Therefore, an exorbitant amount of money is needed to fulfill a dream, making it challenging in this modern era. πŸ’ΈπŸš§

Q-2: What do you mean by a perfect home?

Ans: A perfect home is one that has all the facilities required by a person. This may include a serene surrounding, ventilated rooms, a garage, balcony, washrooms, drawing rooms, prayer room, and a well-equipped kitchen. 🏑🌟

Q-3: Could you give an example of perfect town planning in your state?

Ans: Yes, Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab, is a prime example of perfect town planning in my state. It is a union territory and is also known as a green city because of the large number of trees and gardens surrounding the homes. πŸŒ³πŸŒ‡

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