IELTSDATA Cue Card Example an Important Equipment You Use at Home

IELTSDATA Cue Card Example an Important Equipment You Use at Home

How you got it (or, who, bought it)?

– What you use it for?

– How often you use it?

Sample Answer of IELTSDATA Cue Card Example an Important Equipment You Use at Home

There are many tools or equipment’s in my house and I use them for different purposes. The tool I would like to talk about today is the vacuum cleaner that I use to clean the furniture, carpet and other places in my house. I clean my house 1-2 times a week and mostly on days off. Cleaning the whole house and the furniture is very time consuming and difficult. The vacuum cleaner that I use makes it easy specially cleaning the dust on carpet. The machine or equipment is very handy and I find it important to keep our house neat & clean. Our house is just beside the main road and that makes it more prone to dust. Before

purchasing the vacuum cleaner, it was very tiresome and tough to task for us to clean the house. But this has become easier after we started using this tool. The vacuum cleaner is electronic equipment that requires the AC current. It is of Euro clean company and is blue in colour. It was for approximately 5,000 rupees It does dry as well as wet cleaning. It has different attachments for different purposes.

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It has a very nice attachment, which goes under the bed also. It is very useful for removing spider webs from the walls and ceiling. After plugging in I turn on the power switch and use the long handle that sucks all the dust. I place the front of the machine towards the dust and it gulps the dust and the dust – filled bags are then emptied in a dustbin. The vacuum cleaner is an important tool for me as it does an important task of our home.

I remember, before we had the vacuum cleaner, keeping the house spic and span was a herculean task. My mother had the major brunt of cleaning work and she often suffered backache because of bending to mop the floor. Because of the vacuum cleaner, everyone takes turns to clean the house and that too happily.

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