IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 59-Prehistoric Cave Paintings Took up to 20,000 Years to Complete

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 59-Prehistoric Cave Paintings Took up to 20,000 Years to Complete

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 59-Prehistoric Cave Paintings Took up to 20,000 Years to Complete. It may have taken Michelangelo four long years to paint his fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but his earliest predecessors spent considerably longer perfecting their own masterpieces Scientists have discovered that prehistoric cave paintings took up to 20,000 years … Read more

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 58-How Mobile Telephony Turned into a Health Scare

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 58-How Mobile Telephony Turned into a Health Scare

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 58-How Mobile Telephony Turned into a Health Scare. The technology which enabled mobile phones was previously used in the kind of two-way radio which could be found in taxis and emergency vehicles. Although this was a great development, it was not really considered mobile telephony because it could not be used to … Read more

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 56-Bilingualism in Children

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 56-Bilingualism in Children

IELTSDATA READING PASSAGE 56-Bilingualism in Children. A One misguided legacy of over a hundred years of writing on bilingualism is that children’s intelligence will suffer if they are bilingual. Some of the earliest research into bilingualism examined whether bilingual children were ahead or behind monolingual children on IQ tests. From the 1920s through to the … Read more