Describe a Dream You Remember Well

Describe a Dream You Remember Well

  • What it was about?
  • How you felt about that?
  • What it could indicate?
  • and explain why you remember it so well.

Sample Answer of Describe a Dream You Remember Well

Thanks for giving me such an interesting cue card topic. It was about about 4 years ago I saw a dream of failing in my academic exams. That was so awful moments for me but it made me optimistic towards my further study. I would like to share my words briefly with you. I was in metric standard, after completing the 9th standard with good grades.

Due to get superior marks in my 9th standard, I became so over-confident that I almost left focusing on my academic study. I used to move around and bunk of classes. I had made some friends who were more careless than me. I started playing whole the day instead of reading academic books.

Suddenly, one night I saw a dream. It was about my 10th standard result that I failed in all subjects and teacher was taunting me in front of whole class. Even my new and careless friends have got good marks and they was laughing on me too. I was feeling ashamed and started crying in front of whole class. Suddenly, I woke up after watching it. My heartbeat was up to it peak point. It seemed that my blood pressure was so high. I was in so tension and regretting of what I did.

That night, I promised to myself that I will never do this type of cheap mistake and will start focusing on my academic studies from tomorrow. That dream has saved my academic career that I passed in my 10th standard with good grades. I can never forget that night in my life. It was a complete signal from my sub-conscious mind which wanted me to get back in study.

Describe a particular event in which you were successful, e.g. an exam, sports event etc.

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2 thoughts on “Describe a Dream You Remember Well”

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