Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way. You should say

  • Who this person is?
  • What the problem was?
  • How did he/she solved it?
  • And explain why you think he/ she did it in a smart way.

Sample Answer of Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

It is common to face problems in our life. This problem makes some people tennis, where some people solve it efficiently without panicking. Here I would like to talk about a time when my cousin smartly solved a huge problem.

I remember you before I made an online payment for my electricity bill. Honestly, it was my first experience paying bills online when I filled in my electricity account number and got well bill details with my registered name.

There were many payment options, like debit cards, credit cards or digital wallet apps. I opted to pay with a debit card. Well, I paid the amount of money deducted from my card, but the bill showed the failed status.

I was worried, and I told the voice situation to my cousin as he has great knowledge of digital payment through the online method. He took a few minutes to check the problem and told me that it happened due to a technical error on their website.

More overseas sent an email to the bank with the order ID and payment reference number. He was smartly doing everything, and he told me I would get my refund within 24 hours.

However, he also guided me to tackle this issue as it is common to see technical errors on websites or Bank servers. Lucky Li, I got my refund back on the same day, in the evening. I was really impressed by his smart work.

Part 3 Questions Describe a Person Who Solved a Problem in A Smart Way

Question 1:- Do you think children are born smart or do they learn to become smart

Answer – In my opinion, the main journey of children born with smartness and good memory power, but several kids also learn with time; likewise, they learn various games, cricket and football.

Question 2:- How do children become smart at school?

Answer – Children become smart at school while working with technology. They do projects on the computer, and some queries are solved by mobile phones and many more activities through that they become smart.

Question 3:- Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Answer – Several individuals are good in all activities because they have good memory power and the actors all time. On the other hand, several are not good in all but good in one because they do not like to stay active, and the majority of them are lazy.

Question 4:- Why does modern society need talent of all kinds?

Answer – Nowadays, in this contemporary era, all individuals need all types of talent because in this fast-paced life baby, good in all skills without it they do not get any job opportunities.

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