Describe a Prize That You Received.

Describe a prize that you received.

  • You should say
  • What was it?
  • When you received it?
  • What did you do for it?
  • And explain how you felt about it?

Sample answer of Describe a Prize That You Received.

Well, rewards have always motivated me to win competitions. I was always rewarded by my parents and my mentors as well. It is like an incentive for every person. Here, I would like to speak about a prize that I received after the completion of my research work.

It is a matter of bygone days when I opted for a research methodology and there was a competition among students for presenting research papers. Initially, I was reluctant to take part in it; however gradually with the motivation of my husband, I took part in it. I burnt the midnight oil to win the prize which was free access to the library.

Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend.

As I have a bibliophile attitude, I could not miss the boat. Besides, this prize enticed me to achieve it. I took part and came off flying colors. It made me further education convenient. I did not feel the need to spend more on books due to this prize. I felt over the moon and I thanked the Almighty for giving me this chance and made my determination more firm in attaining other goals of life. So, this was the prize that I received for presenting a research paper.

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