Describe a time you needed to use your imagination

Describe a time you needed to use your imagination

  • What the situation was?
  • Why you needed to use imagination?
  • What the difficulties were
  • And explain how you felt about it.

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. Several times I had to use my imagination order to accomplish something. But I would like to share with you about a memory when I successfully able to complete my imagination.

It was about a year ago when my father got transfer at his job. So we had to shift in mumbai city. before shifting, me and my father went see the new apartment. it was little big than our previous flat. Mumbai is so bustling city. SO it is quite difficult to get a good apartment like this but finally we got it.

whenever we were coming back to our home I started imagining to decorate my room like its paint, position of furniture etc. SO that it can look beautiful. my father had 4 days holiday to shift there.

Me and my father painted all the apartment and made it fully neat and clean. I painted my room just like my imagination. It really was looking so beautiful. Then I put things in my room according to the planning.

My room was little big than before. I was so happy as I Became able to convert my imagination into reality. My room was looking so beautiful.

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