Describe an Important Day in Your Life

Describe an important day in your life. You should say:

  • when was it?
  • what happened on that day?
  • if it was a positive or negative day for you?
  • and explain why this was an important day for you?

Sample Answer of Describe an Important Day in Your Life

Everyone life has a crucial day which they remember their entire life such as birthday, wedding day and so on. Today, I would like to talk about an essential day of my life. It happened three years ago, and I don’t remember the exact date, but it’s June month.

I was sitting alone in my room and watching the Bollywood movie, then my elder brother came into my room and said to me your result of 12th standard had declared at 11 am on the official site of PSEB. He said that they updated only the merit list,

then I said that my name could not be on the list because the cut off was 93 per cent. Then I scrolled down. I was totally scared, and my hands were shaking that time. Then I saw my name on the merit list that feeling cannot be expressed in words. I just felt over the moon at that time. When I remember that moment,

I am always proud of myself for this great achievement because it was the result of my hard work and the blessing of my family, and I learned that work hard until your last breath.

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