Describe an Important River or Lake in Your Country: Recent Speaking Test

Describe an important river or lake in your country

  • What is it?
  • How has it changed people’s lives?
  • What benefits did it bring?
  • And explain if it is more important for older or younger people.

Sample Answer of Describe an Important River or Lake in Your Country

There are myriad rivers in my country, but the famous one is called lake Bosomtwe, and according to research, it is believed that the lake was formed as a result of a large meteor which hit the earth’s surface several decades ago.

Interestingly, this site attracts many visitors around and outside the country as it is noted, according to research, that the rock sediments under the water are used to predict weather changes.

Also, young people come to witness the place for themselves to equip them academically. Some native adults also fish in this water for commercial purposes and to feed themselves.

Part 3 Questions Describe an Important River or Lake in Your Country

Question 1:- Why do many people like going to places with water, such as lakes, rivers, or seas?

Answer: This is because places like this are open, and you tend to lose water through evaporation.

Question 2:- What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in water places?

Answer: The majority of individuals love to go swimming in places with water.

Question 3:- Do children and old people feel the same way when they go to the beach?

Answer: I believe children normally have different feelings compared to boys when they go out.

Question 4:- Why do people like water sports?

Answer: People love water sports because it brings a great source of relaxation and happiness.

Question 5:- Do you think the beach or seaside is more suitable for children or old people to spend their leisure time with?

Answer: A beachside is a beautiful place for both young and old individuals.

Question 6:- Is there much water transportation in your country?

Answer: Yes, there’s water transfer to places in my country.

Question 7:- Do people travel by boat in your country?

Answer: People are less likely to travel by boat in my country, but the majority of fishermen use boats for fishing for commercial purposes.

Question 8:- How important is water in daily life?

Answer: Humanity needs water to stay alive as water helps cleanse the body.

Question 9:- How important are rivers and lakes to the cities where they are located?

Answer: They serve as a habitat for fishes and other aquatic creatures, whiles Other people use them as a source of irrigation for farmers.

Question 10:- Are the rivers in your country suffer from serious pollution?

Answer: Sure, our country’s water sources are often polluted by industrial activities.

Question 11:- Do you think human activity is posing a threat to oceans globally?

Answer: Yes, human activities negatively affect the ocean globally, as many fishermen use poisonous chemicals to damage aquatic organisms.

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