Describe an Important Skill You Learned When You Were a Child

Describe an Important Skill You Learned When You Were a Child

  • what this skill was
  • when you learned it
  • how you learned it
  • and explain why you think it was important.

Sample Answer of Describe an Important Skill You Learned When You Were a Child

Thanks to give me such an interesting cue card topic. The most important activity that I learn in childhood is swimming. It is so useful to make our body fit and healthier and obesity free. It was a great time learning this skill.

I would like to share it briefly with you. At summer holiday i went to my uncle house in mumbai. they are so modern and living life with some standards.

They are fully conscious about their health and diet. So the son of my uncle goes to swimming daily. When I went there. he also offered me to go to swimming because i was so fat at that time.

He said that swimming will make me fit and active like him. I agreed and started going with him. First 4 to 5 day i felt it so difficult because holding breath for a long time was so difficult for me. but I learnt perfectly with some time and it has made me fit and active too. After learning swimming i felt the real importance of it as it keeps us away from various diseases.

After then i go to swimming daily. According to me everyone needs to learn this fruitful skill as it not only make our mind fresh but also make us healthier which cannot be made by taking medicines or any other.

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