Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture

Describe an interesting thing you have learned from a foreign culture. You should say:

  • What it is?
  • How did you learn it?
  • Why did you learn it?
  • and explain how you think it will help others?

Sample Answer of Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture

I’d like to tell you about a fascinating thing I learnt from the Igbo tribe. It happened recently. Actually, I learnt how to produce a particular soup called ‘Okpa’ in the Igbo language, and it is a very delicious soup that I enjoyed very much.

I was taught by my spouse. Although she isn’t from the Igbo tribe, she is very familiar with how the soup is prepared, and she loves the delicacy, so she just got the ingredients, okra, palm oil, beef, stocked fish and some other things, and brought them to my apartment to show me how it is being prepared.

I decided to learn Okpa’s recipe because it is a soup my spouse enjoys a lot, and since we’ll be spending the rest of our lives together, I need to learn how to prepare it.

I believe this will help others because it’s a highly nutritious soup and it is highly proteinous. It will also help us to understand the way of life of different tribes around us.

Part 3 Questions Describe an Interesting Thing You Have Learned from A Foreign Culture

Question 1:- What difficulties do people face when learning new things from foreign cultures?

Answer – Most times, when I try to learn the way of life of other tribes, I always have issues with understanding their language. I find them challenging to pronounce quite often.

Question 2:- At what age should children start learning a foreign language?

Answer – Well, I think children should not be taught a foreign language too early. They should understand the native tongue to a certain extent before introducing foreign dialects, and I believe age 5 to 7 is not too late.

Question 3:- Do you think language learning is important? Why?

Answer – Yes, it is essential because it is vital to communicate and understanding different dialects helps us socialize more with people around us.

Question 4:- What’s the best way to learn new things?

Answer – I believe the best way to understand something new is to learn it from something that is in direct relationship or contact with what is to be known, like someone directly from the tribe that understands it very well, not from people that were also taught or in schools, also hands-on teaching is vital to learning.

Question 5:- Do you think minority languages will disappear?

Answer – Well, I think they might. As people are more focused on universal languages right now, minority ones are bound to die out unless we try to speak and communicate with them more often.

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