Describe Something Important that You Lost: Speaking Cue Card

Describe something important that you lost. You should say:

  • What it was?
  • How did you lose it?
  • Why was it important to you?
  • How did you feel when you lost it?

Sample Answer of Describe Something Important that You Lost

In the age of technology, we use many electronic goods for convenience. Many kinds of electronic devices, such as mobile phones, watches, computers, and many other things, have become a part of our lives.

Using this thing makes my daily work easier. How old if I lost any of them, it would cause a lot of problems for me. Here I would like to talk about an incident.

When I lost my watch, which was very close to my heart because it was given to me by my mother on my 20th birthday. That watch belonged to the Titan company and was a limited edition watch.

The watch head many attractive features like water resistant dual-time sleep monitor, calories counter and step measurements. It was my dream time, and my mother full field my wish.

But I lost it in Goa last year. I did a lot of water activities like scuba diving, Jet skiing, paragliding and many more rights. When I returned to my hotel room after doing such activities, I realised my watch was not in my hand.

I threw it into the ocean or beach while doing water activities. My mother said morning every month to buy that watch. Therefore, I felt very guilty at bedtime. I am a fitness freak, and I used that watch for my daily workout.

So I was very disappointed at the time because it was one of the most precious gifts I have ever received in my life.

Part 3 Questions Describe Something Important that You Lost

Question 1:- What kinds of people may lose things often?

Answer – People are very careless with their things and frequently lose their daily routine and essential things.

Question 2:- What can we do to prevent losing important things?

Answer – we can preserve our essential things in proper places where we can easily find them, and no one can stall them. For example, I always keep my wallet in the last compartment of my bag so no one can Stallone it.

Question 3:- What would you do if you saw something valuable that didn’t belong to you on the street?

Answer – If I show a thing which is not mine, so I keep eating on my hand, and people who are around me first of all, I show them and ask them if it is yours, and they are refreshed to take it, so I give them a needy people.

Question 4:- What kinds of things have you lost so far?

Answer – I frequently lost my stationery, hand napkin and sometimes earrings.

Question 5:- What do you usually do to look for lost items?

Answer – Whenever I lose my things, first of all, I ask people who are around me or the place where my items are lost. After that, I search for them very carefully.

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