Describe Something You Do to Keep Fit and Healthy

Describe Something You Do to Keep Fit and Healthy

  • What Do You Do?
  • Where Do You Do It?
  • Who Do You Do It With?
  • And Explain Why You Think that Doing This Is Healthy.

Well, I care about myself more than anything else. As I do different types of activities which help me to keep my body fit here, I would like to talk about an activity which is walking.

To be honest, I do this activity daily in the morning. Usually, I go to a park nearby for walking, but nowadays I go with one of my friends with him.

I go for a long walk. We start at 5 am and come back at nearly 7:30 am. It helps me to lose weight, and doctors also suggest this activity to everyone so that they can fit in by doing this.

I vividly remember I started this activity in my childhood because, in school, I used to learn physical subjects, so this is an activity that I like to do. Sometimes, due to busy days.

I try to do this in the evening time, and sometimes, due to weather problems, I skip this activity outside but try to do it at home as well. So this is one of the best activities that I do, and it also stabilizes my blood pressure.

Part 3 Questions: Describe Something You Do to Keep Fit and Healthy

Question 1:- How Do Children and Old People Keep Fit and Healthy?

Both can do activities like children can participate in sports activities in school or college whereas older people can do some exercises at home like yoga meditation which helps them to keep fit.

Question 2:- What Do People Normally Do to Keep Fit and Healthy in Your Country?

Well, in my country people try to eat healthy food, do exercises and walk so that they can be fit and do any work with an active body.

Question 3:- How Can Parents Help and Guide Their Kids to Keep Healthy?

In my view, parents guide their children about sports and encourage them to take part in sports activities as well as enrol their children in other activities in which they can be fit.

Question 4:- Do You Think It Is Good for Governments to Utilize Popular Celebrities to Help Build Health Awareness?

Well, in my nation, the majority of celebrities do advertising for different activities. Some like to do food advertising, and some like to chat, so I think the government should do this because people follow their role models more as compared to parents.

Question 5:- Do You Think People in Your Country Are Less Healthy Today than They Used to Be? [why/ Why Not?]

To be honest, in the past time there was no fast food or street food available so they all liked to eat homemade, but nowadays everyone is busy with their own schedule, and they mostly like to eat ready-made food, which is unhealthy for individuals.

Question 6:- How Can the Government Encourage Young People to Stay Healthy?

The government encourages the younger generation by organizing camps and seminars. Also, high authorities can broadcast healthy food ads rather than fast food.

Question 7:- Should Governments Intervene to Force People to Do Physical Exercise and Eat Healthily? [why? / Why Not?

Well, it is the personal duty of every individual to do some activities so that they can be fit. After that, the government encouraged people to do physical exercises through camps and seminars.

Question 8:- Which One Is More Important for A Healthy Life – a Healthy Diet or A Regular Exercise Plan? [why?]

all things are necessary for individuals to live without any disease. But I think diet is the most important factor which is important for good health regular exercise is all up to others because sometimes they can not get time for exercise so food is more important than anything.

Question 9:- Why Do More People Visit Doctors and Hospitals Today than At Any Time in The Past?

In this modern era, we can see that the craze for fast food is increasing, and they are always ready to eat fast food, which was not available in the past, so the ratio of patients is also increasing due to eating unhealthy food.

Question 10:- Should Offices Have a Dedicated Place for Exercise? how Can This Help Employees?

I think a company owner can organize a weekly or monthly seminar for his or her employees, which can be helpful for everyone. For example, they can be more productive after exercise, and also they can be fit and healthy.

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