Describe a Park that Has Changed a Lot in Recent Years

Describe a park that has changed a lot in recent years

  • Where is it?
  • When did you visit it for the first time?
  • What changes have happened
  • Are these changes good or bad?

Semple: Describe a park that has changed a lot in recent years

There are numerous parks in my city. Parks are an appropriate place to relax and get a good environment. Here I would like to talk about a park near my area called “Tortilla Garden”.I visited this park for the first time in five years after I got married and used to go for a walk. The previous park was only for walking because it had lush greenery.

Additionally, there needed to be such equipment for nutrients to play. Later on, they renovated and made children play in an area for younger people and installed gym equipment where people could come for their benefit.

Hence, the populace will get gym facilities as well as a pure atmosphere. On top of that, various rides are bee fitted so families can visit on weekends and spend quality time.

So, these are the government’s changes, and the garden’s appearance is very innovative. This interchange benefits citizens as all age groups can take advantage of this park.

Part 3 Questions: Describe a Park that Has Changed a Lot in Recent Years 

Question 1: Why is there less attendance of youngsters in the parks these days?

Answer:- Due to government protocols regarding the pandemic, nutrients were not allowed to enter the park. Secondly, parents busy their children with various activities because they do not have enough time to play in the garden.

Question 2: How can we improve the parks?

Answer:- The government should take the initiative to renovate the park by installing various rides by considering the children’s safety to make them happy. On the other way, the space of the garden should be divided into two. One is allowed a sitting area and gym. At the same time, others should be allowed in children’s play areas.

Question 3: How can we increase the number of parks?

Answer:- Nowadays, various apartment schemes are constructed where architecture should design and allot particular areas for the park so the people who live in the building can benefit from these. Other alternate ways to make the innovative garden are as I mention below. All these influences lead to a rise in parks.

Question 4: What activities do you prefer when visiting a park?

Answer:- While it depends on time, for instance, I used to go for a walk and exercise in the morning. On the other hand, I like to visit with my son in the evening, so I used to sit on a bench, and my son enjoys playing various games. Sometimes my husband and I only go to chill out and sit for a few hours.

Question 5: Are public parks essential in India? What do you think are the benefits of having the park in the city?

Answer:- Yes, parks are definitely essential in our country. The hectic schedules of people and so many activities for children make them, at some level, frustrated, so the park is such an area where they can refresh themselves and boost their positivity. There are a number of advantages to having more parks.

Question 6: Do you think your hometown has enough public parks?

Answer:- Yes, we have a sufficient park in our hometown. In fact, near my area, we have three renovated gardens, which are huge in space. I like the concept of an Amul company that wherever there is a shop of Amul beside it will be a garden. So in this manner, gardens are more in terms of numbers.

Question 7: How do people of different age groups use public parks?

Answer:- First of all, children like to play with various equipment or enjoy playing with sand. Furthermore, middle-aged people use the garden for walking, exercise, and idle for sitting on a bench. Lastly, older adults used to sit in a group and do various activities such as laughter therapy and gossip with their friends of the same age group to chill out with them.

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