Describe Something You Would Like to Do if You Were Given a Day Off.

Describe Something You Would Like to Do if You Were Given a Day Off.

  • What Will You Do?
  • Where Will You Do It?
  • What Will You Need to Do It?

The life of every person is very busy in this fast-progressing world, and one has no time to do something extra in his life. I am working in a private firm, and I’m always busy with my work.

Today, I would like to talk about what I would like to do if I get a day off from my work. I’m fond of gardening 🌱. I have a small garden in my house where beautiful flowers 🌺 are always blooming. There is green grass 🌿 in the garden.

I always try to give time to my garden, but I did not do this because of the shortage of time. This garden is on the front side of my house. It adds to the beauty of the house.

All family members sit there in their free time. But a garden looks beautiful if it is properly maintained. So, if I get a day off, then I would like to maintain my garden in a proper way. I will trim the grass and the plants. I will grow some new plants in my garden. I will put manure on the plants.

I would also like to take suggestions from a professional gardener 🧑‍🌾 because I have seen that some of the plants are not properly growing.

So, I want to know the reason for this and then want to take an appropriate solution to it. I would also like to replace the grass trimming machine, which is manually operated, with an electronic one.

The electronic machine has one more facility that it is operated on battery 🔋 also. If there is no facility of electricity nearby, then you could trim the grass too without electricity.

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Q-1: What’s the best tree to plant?

Ans: This, of course, depends on your climate and the size of your yard. But, in general, you’re likely to get the most enjoyment from trees that naturally stay rather small. Because we’re a mobile society, most people don’t get a chance to watch a tree grow to maturity. But if you plant a small tree, maybe you can watch it grow up. Semi-dwarf fruit trees 🍎 are really rewarding. So are small flowering trees, like redbud and golden chain trees. These trees give you more than just shade.

Q-2: How often do you need to water the plants?

Ans: This is the most frequent question ever. The answer: when my garden needs it. Stick a finger in the soil and see if it’s dry. People want a schedule, but nature doesn’t work on a schedule. It either rained or it was hot. Plan your garden so that a lot of it can survive on rainfall 🌧️ once it is established. You will need to water new plants and container plants, though. I think people with watering systems spend most of their summer repairing them. And most systems turn on whether it rains or not, so they waste water.

Q-3: How should you care for your lawn?

Ans: Mow when the grass needs it, at the highest setting on the mower. Grass that’s tall shades itself and the soil, so it doesn’t need as much water. Don’t fertilize; just use a mulching mower and leave the clippings on the grass. Dig up dandelions by hand 🧤.

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