Describe Your Favourite Movie: Recent Speaking Cue card

Describe your favourite movie. You should say:-

  • When and where did you see it?
  • What type of film it was?
  • What the film was about?
  • And explain why it is your favourite film.

Sample Answer of Describe Your Favourite Movie

I like different genres of movies like comedy, romance, biography etc. However, I am not a fan of fictional movies like Harry potter. Today I would like to talk about two movies close to my heart.

The first movie is Dangal. This is a biography of wrestler Mahavir Phogat and his daughters Geeta and Babita Foghat. The movie shows the struggle of fathers and daughters in wrestling games and against society’s mentality.

Aamir khan plays the role of the father for which he has to gain weight, and amir khan is a perfectionist. He did proper justice to his father’s role. Geeta bhagat is the first Indian woman who brought gold for India in wrestling in the commonwealth games.

I got goosebumps when I saw the scene in the movie when Babita plays a match to win gold. This movie is praised worldwide, and it inspired youth. I love this movie because I personally also got the motivation to follow my dreams.

The second movie, which is close to my heart, is a Gujarati movie named ‘love ni bhavai’. Basically, it is a love triangle, but the story shows pure mature love. This movie is full of entertainment, songs, screenplay, and actors. Everything is perfect.

Part 3 Questions Describe Your Favourite Movie

Question 1:- Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits?

Answer – yes, I believe movies have educational advantages as biographies of people can show the struggle before success. This kind of movie inspires a lot of students to do hard work. Also Sci–fi movies can make people understand concepts easily. Akshay Kumar’s movie toilet Ek prem Katha educated many people about the need for one toilet/ home. After the movie, many built toilets in their homes and the Government also provided grants to people for that.

Question 2:- In what ways are documentary films and films only for entertainment different?

Answer – Documentary films show the reflection of real-life stories, while entertainment films can be fictional and are made for people’s pure amusement. Also, documentary films are mostly low-budget as compared to entertainment films. Entertainment films spend a lot of money on location and actors etc. For instance, Rohit Shetty’s movies show fight scenes with cars moving in the air etc.

Question 3:- Why do you think documentary films are not so popular?

Answer – Honestly, because this kind of film is boring sometimes. People watch cinema for entertainment purposes rather than watching it to learn facts. Also, documentary movies are low budget, so the portion of movies is also less, and the actors of these movies are not always famous ones. These could be the reasons for documentary movies not being popular.

Question 4:- How are movies and real-life different?

Answer – As I mentioned above, most movies are made for entertainment purposes only, and writers and directors keep this thing in their mind while making films. They mostly show happy endings in movies. However, in real life, such things are not possible. In movies, even dying people survive.

Question 5:- Do men and women like to watch the same kinds of films?

Answer – No women mostly like romcoms or biographies but men like more action, thriller or horror stories. However, it is not totally true nowadays. Women also like thrillers, and men watch romcoms too. So I believe society is changing.

Question 6:- Do different age groups like the same kinds of films?

Answer – Children like animated or superhero movies, and teenagers like romance, comedy or thriller movies. Adults like biographies or horror films, and older people love drama. The choice of the movie differs with age groups.

Question 7:- Do you like any particular film star? Why?

Answer – I am not totally keen on one actor. Still, I like Aayushman Khurana and Akshay Kumar because they are good actors and don’t feel afraid of taking on different topics. For example, in the first movie, Aayushman played the role of the sperm donor. He also did a movie in which he married a fat woman. Akshay played a role of a trans in one movie, and he also made a paceman. This requires a lot of courage and a method of acting. Also, I love Akhashy because of his working style, as he takes breaks on Sundays, and yet he makes 3-4 films per year. His hard work inspires me a lot.

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