Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.


The role artists play in modern society is an often debated topic. On the one hand,
many people see art and culture as critical components to a society’s image and
sense of identity. Others, however, feel that the significance of a society’s arts is
overrated in the modern world. This essay will analyze both sides of this argument.
From one perspective, many people believe strongly in the value that artists bring to
a society. For example, Bob Marley was a musician whose work helped to shape the
modern cultural image of Jamaica and bring attention to global problems.
Performers like Marley help their countries establish recognizable cultures upon
which valuable industries and worldwide recognition can grow. It is thus clear why
many argue that artists still bring value to modern society.
However, many counter that performers in the modern age contribute little of value
to society. Many pop music artists in Canada play a good example here. Today,
popular music production in Canada follows a very prescribed path. An artist’s lyrics,
image, sound and name are often decided by producers in an effort to maximize
sales. The unfortunate result of this is that it causes a lot of Canadian music to sound
the same. This repetitious quality to Canadian music and other modern arts of the
world make it understandable why many feel artists contribute little of value to
Following this look, it is felt that most performers still produce work that benefits
society. It is hoped, however, that artistic freedom be given to all performers,
regardless of how society gauges their value.

Do you feel artists like writers

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.

Do you feel artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in modern society? Discuss.

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