Describe a kind of food that people eat during special events

# Describe a kind of food that people eat during special events

– How is it cooked
– Why do people eat it
– Why you like it
– What event people usually it
– Why is it for the special event

Describe a kind of food that people eat during special events makki ki roti sarson ka saag India is a diverse country. There are many types of food that people eat at special events. These food vary from the north to the south and from the east to the west. For example, in North India, people eat jalebi as a dessert on Dussehra, they eat rice pudding on Lohri, fritters on Diwali and Makki ki roti and Sarson ka saag on family functions in winters.

Makki ki roti is a chapati made of maize flour, and Sarson ka saag is a dish made of mustard leaves. The reasons why people like to eat is kind of food are varied and many. First, it is a custom to cook and eat these dishes on these occasions.

Second, these foods are tasty and loved by all. Finally, all the ingredients are easily available everywhere. Here, I would like to talk about Jalebi, which is a hot favorite of the people of Punjab. It is customary to eat jalebi on Dussehra, but it is also eaten on other festivals and occasions like birthdays and weddings.

It is made by deep-frying maida batter in intricate circular shapes and finally, these are soaked in sugar syrup. Jalebi can be served warm or cold, but I like it more when it is warm. It is orange in color. It can be made in various thicknesses, but I personally like the thin and crisp jalebis. Undoubtedly Jalebis are loaded with calories still it is a food that people eat and relish on special occasions. Describe a time when you invited someone to have dinner at home or a restaurant

Follow Ups

Question: What kind of food is good for a party?
It should be according to the weather and the occasion. It should also not be too spicy or oily. If it is a children’s party, it should be according to their liking.
Question: Do you think people should eat every meal with their family?
It would be ideal, but unfortunately, it would not be practical in the contemporary lifestyle.
Everybody is busy and most people have breakfast on the go. I think one meal a day should be shared with all the family members together, for at least 5 days a week.

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