Food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this a positive or negative trend?ielts result

Food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this
a positive or negative trend?ielts result

In today’s world, the laws of supply and demand dictate the distances foodstuffs
must travel before they are consumed. Often certain geographical areas are
favourable for the production of particular foods. It is argued that the extreme
distances some foods travel before reaching their consumers reflect positive trends
occurring around the world. This will be shown by looking at the cultural and
economic benefits that derive from international trade in edible goods.

For one, the trading of food between countries can be seen as evidence of cultural
amalgamation, and this is a positive thing. For example, Japanese sushi, once
considered an oddity among American circles, is now consumed as regularly in the
United States as many American dishes. It is felt culinary exchanges such as this are
evidence of the world’s ongoing growth towards a united culture. As the blurring of
cultural differences can bring with it understanding, tolerance and peace, it is felt this
example shows how the trading of foods over great distances can be seen as a
positive thing.

In addition to this, the buying and selling of food among nations provides
employment opportunities to workers around the world. For instance, global
demand for coffee has allowed Columbia to exercise a geographical advantage it has
in the production of this product. Because coffee can be shipped great distances
without spoiling, this example acts as evidence of the benefits that derive from the
transporting of foods to other countries. Thus, the positive results that come from
foodstuffs traversing thousands of miles before consumption can be seen.

After analyzing how food permitted to travel around the world helps to create
cultural understanding and stimulate economies, it has been proven that this brings
with it more benefits than drawbacks. It is hoped the international foodstuffs trade
continues to grow in an unshrinking manner.

Food travels thousands of miles

Food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this
a positive or negative trend?ielts result

Food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this
a positive or negative trend?ielts result

Food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this
a positive or negative trend?ielts result

Food travels thousands of miles before it reaches customers. Why is this? Is this
a positive or negative trend?ielts result

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