In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?

In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their
parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological
parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?


Customs regarding the raising of children vary from on culture to another. In many
countries, children are cared for by daytime guardians while their parents work to
build careers. It is argued that this form of rearing does not benefit children as much
as when they are raised directly by their biological parents. This will be proven by
looking at how such a family arrangement causes misguided values and feelings of
abandonment among the young people in question.
Firstly, parents who choose their professional goals over raising their children run the
risk of setting poor examples for their offspring. For instance, children of double-
income families are often indirectly taught that money is more important than family
unity. These children grow up with unhealthy opinions about the significance of
income level and could potentially become adults who judge other human beings
based on monetary status. As this reasoning shows, children are best raised by their
Secondly, young children regularly separated from their parents may experience
feelings of abandonment and this can lead to other problems. For example, it is a
proven fact that Canadian children of single, working parents tend not to perform as
well in school as their classmates from nuclear familial arrangements boasting a stay-
at-home mother or father. This example shows that there is a clear link between a
child’s academic performance and the level of attention they receive from their
parents. Thus, it is clear that young people are not benefited when they are raised by
After analyzing the above points, the merits of regular parental presence can be
seen. It has thus been proven that parents should avoid working patterns that are
detrimental to the development of their children. It is hoped parents everywhere
commit to do what they can to ensure they are the primary guidance-providers of
their young ones.




In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their  parents go to work


In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their
parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological
parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?

In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their
parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological
parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?

In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their
parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological
parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?

In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their
parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological
parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?

In many countries young children are looked after during the day while their
parents go to work. In a sense, they are raised by guardians and not their biological
parents. What is your opinion of this family arrangement?

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