In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?


Globalization has brought with it both positive and negative developments. On the
positive side, it has encouraged the world’s people to grow closer together through
common culture and language. On the negative side, it has caused the customs of
certain people to become forgotten. Despite this, it is argued the merging of the
world’s lifestyles is a beneficial trend. This will be proven by analyzing how common
ideology and culture help to reduce both incidences of war and hate crime.
Firstly, countries that share common attributes tend to be less likely to engage in war
with one another. Europe acts as a good example here. Only one hundred years ago,
many European countries warred with each other over ideological differences.
Today, after major movements towards cultural, economical and linguistic unity,
these same countries are proud to be united under a single heading, the European
Union. The now peaceful temperament of Europe acts as good evidence to the
benefits that come through the blending of ideologies and cultures.
Secondly, the merging of global lifestyles poses a negative correlation to the
incidences of hate crimes, and this is a very positive thing. For example, membership
to organized hate groups, such as the Klu Klux Klan, has fallen drastically over the last
century in North America. This drops occurs simultaneously with the immigration
rises that occurred during the same period. Thus, it can be concluded that the mixing
of cultures directly reduces hate crime.
After analyzing the manner in which globalization minimizes both the chances of war
and crimes motivated by hate, it is concluded that this is a trend that brings positive
results to the world. It is hoped the mixing of cultures increases globally into the
foreseeable future.

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced  activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

2 thoughts on “In the past people wore traditional clothes, spoke languages and practiced activities as dictated by their regional culture. These days, the world’s cultures resemble one another quite closely. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?”

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