It Is a Natural Process when Animal Species Become Extinct: Writing Task 2

It Is a Natural Process when Animal Species Become Extinct, as Dinosaurs Died In the Past. There Is No Reason for People to Prevent This from Happening. To What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

It is a well-known fact that nowadays, all the animals and bird species are extinct day by day as the dinosaurs were extinct in the past. Some argue that there are no ways to prevent wildlife from extinction. However I entirely disagree with this occurrence to a large extent. I believe that there are numerous ways to protect wildlife. My preferences are justified further.

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Admittedly, one of the prime factors behind this statement is the exponential growth of the expansion of the industry. Nowadays, many people construct industries by cutting the trees and natural habitats of wildlife to earn more money and build up their manufacturing units. Moreover, wearing jewellery, clothes, and shoes is becoming an integral part of a daily routine. Every individual kills them for their fashion sense and uses them to make different types of fashion accessories, from animal skins and horns. For instance, making leather jackets and clothes from animal skin, such as cattle and other livestock animals, snake skin, is becoming a disaster thing. Another example is making jewellery and showpiece items from elephant’s teeth by killing elephants.

On the contrary, saving wildlife creatures from becoming extinct or killing is everyone’s duty to protect their country’s biodiversity and ecosystem. Laws can protect wildlife creatures. If the individuals break the laws, they should be punished. Animals play a vital role in a country’s ecosystem and biodiversity. If animals die out, the ecosystem will be broken, and it has become negative effect on them. Carrying weapons is strictly prohibited by governments. The state should provide food and shelter for animals. For instance, many zoos are protected by the laws, and tourist can visit their artificial home. India is a vast and diverse country with a rich wildlife population. Therefore, there are many zoos, such as the National Zoological Park in Delhi. It is the biggest park situation in Delhi. The government also constructed a Safari Park, which is also protected by laws. We can see animals in their natural habitat by safari park.

To conclude, people should always protect wildlife creatures for their country’s ecosystem and biodiversity. It is important to prevent our wildlife because their extinction will have a severe influence on many important aspects.

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