In Many Countries, Crime Rates Amongst Younger People Have

In Many Countries, Crime Rates Amongst Younger People Have Been Rising. Discuss the Causes and Solutions for This Problem.

In this modernised era, unemployment is taking place as the crime rates have skyrocketed. In underdeveloped or developing nations, even educated youth are not able to find opportunities to work. In the subsequent paragraphs, I am going to shed some spotlight on the causes and solutions for the increasing crime rates.

To initialise this essay, youngsters nowadays are playing games like PubG, etc., which are related to crimes, so the perception that they make by playing is that it’s easy to hurt anyone if their demands are not met. Moreover, unemployed people want to earn some money for living, especially youngsters, so they try to get involved in gambling or betting. Furthermore, schools in many countries do not provide sex education, due to which rape cases are also taking a hike.

To combat the situation, it is advised that in developing countries, the government should take the initiative to create more job opportunities for youth because researchers have revealed that those people who are employed and busy in their work don’t indulge in lawlessness and get more successful. Additionally, the government should introduce programs that are related to job training or for those who are illiterate and want to learn about computers, machines, etc.

To recapitulate, whatever has been elaborately explained above, if the above solutions are implemented, there should be fewer immoral offences, and countries will focus on growth and development.

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