It Is Impossible to Help All People in The World: WT-2

It Is Impossible to Help All People in The World, so Governments Should Focus on People in Their Own Countries. to What Extent Do You Agree or Disagree?

In this dynamic era, there has been concern about underprivileged people, so the authorities should help their own countries’ poor people instead of helping other nations’ people because it is out of the question that they can help all individuals in the world. I partially agree with this statement because some developed countries have a low ratio of poverty-stricken people, so they can help other countries people by investing in different sectors.

To begin with, the reason to support my idea is that the authority could not handle all the problems in the world. In other words, there are a plethora of citizens on this planet who seek help. Thus, the rescue process would be more efficient if the government started from their own country. The COVID-19 situation is a perfect example of this case. As we can see in the present, every country has a policy to protect their citizens from infection in order to solve the problem as fast as possible. On the contrary, if one authority tries to help every person in the world altogether, the cross-infection would be out of control because it is a large scale of people.

However, it is indisputable that in some countries, the government needs help to solve its issues. Helping other countries is not a wrong action if their people are already safe. For example, the US, which is already developed and capable in every situation, can help other countries. As I mentioned before, in the COVID-19 situation, the USA can produce the vaccine. After they rescue their individuals, they also distribute their vaccine to other countries.

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In conclusion, although helping other individuals is a good thing, I personally believe that the rescue process ought to start in our country first.

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