Many of today’s most urgent problems can only be solved through international cooperation.

Many of today’s most urgent problems can only be solved through international cooperation.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is safe to say that urgent problems need the cooperation of international aid. While developed countries may provide help to a greater extent, the contribution of developing countries is vital at the same time.


When one talks about urgent problems, one must consider catastrophes that could be natural, medical, or economic. These disasters need the attention of international aid eventually since a country’s own resources begin to deplete at a rapid rate when in a dismal state.


Nations must come together in unison while facing such situations. One reason can be friendly relations with neighboring countries such that they may be of further use when situations like wars occur. Another could be a developed nation extending a helping hand to developing or underdeveloped nations facing economic or health crisis, indebting it later on.


Considering today’s situation of the COVID-19 outbreak, the pandemic has led to nations joining hands and working together to speed up the process of generating a vaccine. This will, in turn, help cure patients inflicted with COVID-19 globally, thus improving the economy of countries and bringing it back to normal.


To summarise, I believe that it is profusely important that countries don’t always work in isolation but provide, as well as seek-for help internationally. When multiple nations provide their contribution in terms of knowledge or in physical form, global functioning would be at ease. Along with it, individual countries will also benefit from the same simultaneously, leading to their growth as independent and powerful nations.

This is the end of GT Writing (Many of today’s most urgent problems can only be solved through international cooperation. )

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Many of today’s most urgent problems can only be solved through international cooperation.

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