Most of the  parents say that children should play individually more than in a group.

Most of the parents say that children should play individually more than in a group.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this and include your own opinion)

sample answer:


Playing is considered not only as leisure but also a physical activity that can strengthen the muscles and boosts one’s stamina. Way from the history, playing is considered to be crucial and its importance is outspoken. Regardless of age, playing is stretched from kids to old men and has a prominent feature of accelerating the metabolic activity of a human body. Parents let their children play either in groups or individually where many of them think children must play solo. Various advantages and disadvantages accounting these thoughts are mentioned below.

paragraph 1:

Letting children play individually has numerous advantages. This includes enhancing self-confidence, ability in choosing their sport, dealing with time management, initiating motivation, and overcoming fear. When one plays solo, he or she can understand his or her weakness and hence can uplift themselves by more practice. This increases their self-confidence and can be more specific about their likes and dislikes. Nevertheless, playing solo helps one to overcome the fear he or she has been facing, through constant motivation.

paragraph 2:

The major disadvantage of playing individually is that it eliminates competency. Competition favors building children’s attitude towards a team play by building their capability. It helps to understand one’s cons and pros through frequent practice. Playing in a group also enhances the practice of teamwork and promotes healthy relationships among children which is the key to happiness.


Hence, playing accelerates the physical and mental characteristics of children that drive them to lead a better lifestyle and therefore I believe playing in a group substantially helps children strengthen their inner powers.  Henceforth, the practice of playing in a group must be initiated and executed by all the parents for the wellness of their children.

This is the end of writing task 2(Many of the parents say that children should play individually more than in a group.)

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