People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?

People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?


People today enjoy longer life spans than at any other point in human history. The
most notable causes of this are generally accepted to be the medical and
technological advancements of the twentieth century and the heightened ability of
nations to share information with each other. It is argued these advancements and
the ultimate postponement of death yield positive results the world over. This will
be proven by looking at how longer life spans give people more time to contribute
creatively to the world as well as a chance to develop a heightened level of wisdom
that only comes with age.
Firstly, the longer people live, the more time they have to create things and the
richer human culture becomes. A tragic example of the caliber of talent humanity
can lose when great creators die young is Mozart. Mozart died in his thirties, which
was young, even for his time. Had he the privilege of living longer, he could have
contributed so much more to the world. Thus, it is clear why the extending of the
mortal deadline should be seen as a positive thing.
Another constructive quality that comes as a result of living a long time is wisdom.
As most people would agree, persons of age tend to have a deeper understanding of
the world than their younger counterparts. Thus, it is argued the collective wisdom
of humanity could be increased simply by providing more people with the
opportunity to live longer. It is for this reason that the idea of extending lifespan is
considered a good thing.
After looking at how age allows people to create more in addition to awarding them
wisdom, it is felt that the delaying of the point at which a person passes can only be
seen as a positive thing. It is hoped human evolution will continue to postpone the
inevitable arrival of death.

People nowadays live longer than they used to

People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?

People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?

People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?

People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?

People nowadays live longer than they used to.What caused this situation? Is it a negative or positive development?

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