Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Films or Cinema

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Films or Cinema. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Recent IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answers: Films or Cinema

Question 1:- Do you like watching films?

Answer – Yes, I do, even though it’s my favourite part, and I often spend my quality time watching films, and my favourite film is Hollywood because it contains a lot of content and it helps to reduce my stress level, and I feel delighted.

Question 2:- Which do you prefer foreign films or local films?

Answer – As mentioned earlier, I always preferred a Hollywood movie because the content of this movie is quite realistic, and the right always uses extremely adventurous contact in it, which I get more affectionately from the mind. Moreover, this movie, apart from that local films also quite popular in my country. Even when I don’t have foreign content films, I can watch Local films sometimes.

Question 3:- How often do you go to the cinema to watch a movie?

Answer – Even every weekend I want to go to the cinema to watch a movie because I have some time free time to spend quality time with friends to also do some amusement apart from that when I see any kind of new pictures on the internet I prefer to go cinema for a watch that new movie.

Question 4:- What types of movies do you like best?

Answer – Well, I like extreme adventure sports movies, even sometimes sci-fi thrillers. Sometimes I prefer to watch horror movies because the content used in these movies is kind of mesmerising, even if we can’t compare this movie with anyone else.

Question 5:- How do people in your country react to the cinema?

Answer – In this fast and personal life, many people adopt the habit of watching movies in the cinema because it is a part of our life. When your family spend time with each other while watching movies in a movie theatre, I think many people get fascinated to watch a new film in a cinema.

Question 6:- Which type of movie do you try to avoid?

Answer – Well, all the movies I like the most, but emotional films I avoid too much because I don’t want to see any kind of content. I get emotional quickly because I am emotional, and I easily change my mood according to the scene in the movie.

Question 7:- Which was the first movie that you watched?’

Answer – I remember vividly when I was six standards, and a school organised a trip to watch the first movie. It was about Baba Deep Singh Ji, so it was an incredible experience in my life because I wanted to strike when I saw the movie’s content for the first time on the screen.

Question 8:- What is your opinion on the people who blindly follow their favourite superstars?

Answer – According to my perspective, it depends on the people’s situation. I think many people also follow their role models and adopt several qualities. Even every people has different tastes and desires. They choose the celebrity according to their interest even if it is a kind of good thing for the people who follow their role model because they easily get inspired from them and also use their personal path.

Question 9:- Would you like to be in a movie?

Answer – I don’t think I will be here in a movie in the future because I have no kind of talent to express myself in front of people. Even making a movie, it’s a note, a piece of cake. It requires immense struggle and hard work, and many people like to get enrolled themselves when they enhance their talent while taking part in a movie.

Question 10:- Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

Answer – It depends on my situation even most of the time I prefer to watch a movie with my friends because I have to do some amusement with them. We also did a composition on the triangle, a topic where when I feel tired, I always prefer to watch a movie at night because I have a Netflix subscription. I found an abundance of the content of Hollywood movies over there.

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