Research indicates that the characteristics we are born

Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experience we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence?


It is an undeniable fact that our characters can create a major impact on our overall development. some research asserts that our born characteristics are the main thing which can create a massive impact on our personality and development than any other experienced which we can impose throughout our life.  In my perspective, instead of born characteristics, if people gain experience and learn something new from that experience then it is helpful to create a good personality, behavior, and overall development.

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Without any doubt, if any person wants to create good development than past experience must need because through experience anyone can get anything whatever they want and it leads to making a good personality. For example, if any athletics want to get a gold medal in Olympics then with hard work, past experience is also important because in this way they can learn about their mistake and work on that, so after sometimes they get success and it leads to overall development. other than that, anyone can also build their personality, characteristics, and behavior through experience in life because the experience can help to make a good decision and ultimately learn some characteristics through it.

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on the other side.  Some people are born smart without any experience they have the potential to create good personality and development. For example, in one survey in the USA, the research indicates that around 85% of bone smart peoples have good personality and development than any peoples who gain it through past experience.


In conclusion,  It’s true that born characteristics lead to an impressive personality and development. But, I think through passion, hard work and experience in life anyone can impose good deed.

This is the end of writing task 2(Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experience we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence?)

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