Describe an experience when you received a call from a stranger at a public place

Sample 1

HEALTH INSURANCE POLICYDue to the advancement of Technology, it becomes very easy to communicate with each other through phone, social networking sites and so on. Although it is very easy to get connected with our near and dear ones, we cannot ignore the fake calls. There are so many times in my life when I received calls from unknown persons. Here I would like to share one incident with you.

Last Sunday, I went to a shopping complex with my friend in order to purchase some household items. On that time I got a call from a stranger. His name was Mukesh and he told me that he was working in a life insurance company. Firstly he spoke very politely and said sir please could I take your 10 minutes. I was busy shopping at that time, so I said to him please finish you are talking as soon as possible. He agreed and replied I only take a few minutes of yours.

He started to talk about recently launched plans of LIC and their benefits. He explained each and everything to me about policy. I Did not realize that I talked with him for 20 minutes and in the end, he confessed me to purchase a Health Insurance policy.

Although he was a stranger for me, I like to talk with him. First of all, his voice was very polite and soft which forced me to listen to him at least once. Secondly, the way of explaining was very effective. In fact, he did not explain only benefits as long as he warned me about some negatives of it. Therefore that was a situation when I received a call from an unknown person and liked it.

Sample 2

heaven tourist companyWell, the mobile phone becomes a part and parcel of every human being’s life. It helps us to be in touch with our near and dear ones. Sometimes receive phone calls from unknown persons due to wrong connection but parsons call other ones to demo about their own business deals such as life insurance policies, supermarket deals and so on.
About a year ago, I received such a call from an employee of a tourism company. On that time, I was in a shopping complex and suddenly that person called me via phone And requested me to listen to him for five minutes. Then I said to him that please finish your talk as soon as possible.

He said that his name is John and he is a worker of a heaven tourist company. According to his talk, his organization organized tours and execution for peoples and aware them about family packages. He explained to me about a family tour which day we are going to organize in a hill station named Manali. I felt that it is interesting to talk. Then I asked him about water sport activities in Manali. Replied to me that they had a family package for a popular water sport named Banana Boat Ride in Manali. It fascinated me and I did not realize that I talked with him for 25 minutes.

This talk was very fruitful for me because on that time, I had summer vacations and I was planning to go somewhere so, I booked a family pack with the help of that person, john.

I did listen to him for some reasons. Firstly his voice was so nice and he was speaking with respect. Secondly, he explained me each and everything very politely. Last but not least, his companies offer attracted me so much.

All in all, that was the time when I received a phone call from a stranger at Shopping Complex but I enjoyed it so much.

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