Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result

Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their
purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result

Museums often represent different things to different people. On the one hand,
many people feel a museum’s primary purpose is to entertain. However, others feel
they function to house an educational resource. The merits of both arguments will
be analyzed before a conclusion is decided upon.

Insert your sentence here. For example, the
Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa minimizes the written descriptions
normally found next to exhibits, instead preferring to provide visitors with a
demonstrational experience to illustrate a scientific point. Although this setup leaves
their museum visitors stimulated, it does little to provide them with a deeper
understanding of a scientific topic. Thus, the merits of this opinion regarding the
purpose of museums are hard to support.

However, many other people see museums as powerful educational resources. For
example, the British Museum in London, England, is arranged to provide its visitors
with a very informed look at the roots of the human race. Patrons leave this museum
with a much more acute understanding of historical topics, and this understanding is
something they can apply to their everyday endeavors. Thus, the heightened
benefits of this opinion on the role of museums can clearly be seen.

After looking at these two opposing points of view, it is felt that museums better
serve the public when they are established to educate as opposed to entertain. Thus,
it is hoped that the museums of the future are arranged primarily for this purpose.

Some believe museums should entertain people

Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their
purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result

Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their
purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result

Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their
purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result

Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their
purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result


1 thought on “Some believe museums should entertain people, while others believe their purpose is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ielts result”

  1. Pingback: In many countries, mainly tourists, but not local people, visit museums and historical sites. Why does this happen, and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these places? - IELTS DATA

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