Some people consider thinking about and planning for the future to be a waste of time. They argue that people should simply live in the moment. Do you agree or disagree? Use at least one personal example in your response. ielts result

Some people consider thinking about and planning for the future to be a waste
of time. They argue that people should simply live in the moment. Do you agree or
disagree? Use at least one personal example in your response. ielts result

The merits behind attempts people make to guess, alter or control the future are
often contested. Many counter that people should make efforts to live in the
moment. However, I feel that people ought to think regularly about the future and
adhere to a plan for their life and career. To illustrate this, the heightened
probability of goal achievement and the benefit derision that occurs when one is
prepared for the unknown will be analyzed in this essay.

For one, people are much more likely to achieve their professional targets if they
make plans. Education’s connection to the working world plays as a good example
here. If a person plans to become a doctor, they must put into place a
comprehensive plan for their education. Were they to just ‘live in the moment’, their
vocational hopes would fall by the wayside and never be realized. As this example
shows, thinking about the future is necessary practice that all people with goals
should engage in.

In addition to this, regular meditation on the future can help a person position
themselves to benefit from upcoming changes to their lifestyle. For instance, before
I came to China, I took the time to study the Chinese language. Because I had the
foresight to do this, my transition to life in China was much smoother. Thus, as my
personal experience makes clear, preparing oneself for the future can help a person
reap additional benefits that a ‘live in the moment’ mentality cannot.

Following this look, it is felt people who commit time to thinking about the future
stand to gain in ways other people do not. Thus, it is hoped everyone the world over
commits themselves to this lifestyle practice.


Some people consider thinking about and planning

Some people consider thinking about and planning for the future to be a waste
of time. They argue that people should simply live in the moment. Do you agree or
disagree? Use at least one personal example in your response. ielts result

Some people consider thinking about and planning for the future to be a waste
of time. They argue that people should simply live in the moment. Do you agree or
disagree? Use at least one personal example in your response. ielts result


2 thoughts on “Some people consider thinking about and planning for the future to be a waste of time. They argue that people should simply live in the moment. Do you agree or disagree? Use at least one personal example in your response. ielts result”

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