Some People Prefer Activities and Lifestyles in Hot Climates

Some People Prefer Activities and Lifestyles in Hot Climates, While Others Prefer Living in Cold Climates. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.

It is an undeniable fact that it all depends on the people’s preference for where they like to live. However, some people think that they prefer to live in warm weather. At the same time, others like to spend their life in cold weather. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I intend to discuss both views along with my opinion.

To begin with, there are a plethora of benefits to living in a hot climate. First of all, it is better for outdoor activities because, in the cold weather, people like to spend the majority of their time inside the house. Apart from this, fewer clothes are required in the hot weather; for example, people do not need to wear multiple layers of clothing as they do in cold places.

On the other hand, there are also some advantages of living in cold weather. The first and foremost point is that in cold weather, there is less chance of skin cancer due to calm weather and less sunshine. Additionally, in the cold weather, there are fewer chances of food and vegetable wastage because people can store food and vegetables in the cold weather for more time than in the hot season.

To recapitulate, I would like to reiterate that cold weather is better for those who avoid certain diseases. Warm weather is more enjoyable because people are more active and like to spend the majority of their time in the open air.

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