Some People Prefer One-on-One Lessons, while Others like Groups

Some people prefer one-on-one lessons, while others like groups. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

While some people prefer taking classes in groups, others prefer one-on-one lessons. Although teaching one-on-one lessons is more productive for them, I believe learning in groups is more efficient in time consumption and sharing ideas.

On taking one on one lessons, the person gets full productivity out of the class. He shall be able to clear his doubts instantly, the pace of teaching can be increased if the person is a fast learner, and the instructor can make sure the person understands the portions more clearly as they progress with the lessons. For example, a recent study in the US revealed that one on one lessons had raised a child’s productivity from 50% to 65%. However, I believe that this may also cause strain on the listener as he has to give full attention to the teacher and might feel embarrassed to keep stopping the teacher to ask queries.

On the other hand, if lessons are covered while in groups, it is more efficient for the teacher to cover the syllabus for a set number of students grasping the same topic with the same calibre, thus ensuring efficiency of time utilisation. It also improves creativity by sharing ideas as every person’s thought process is different. They would be able to explore new areas of interest with sharing of minds. For instance, we have often seen this in kindergarten kids; if they are given the same crayon set and the same picture to colour, the outcome would still be different and creative in their own ways. I believe this is more preferable to develop ideas, think more uniquely, and develop the creative side while being productive.

In conclusion, although it is important to give them attention, it is equally important not to waste time and inculcate creativity.

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