Some People Prefer to Spend Their Lives Doing the Same Things

Some People Prefer to Spend Their Lives Doing the Same Things and Avoiding Change. Others, However, Think that Change Is Always a Good Thing. Discuss Both These Views and Give Your Own Opinion.

Humans are dynamic in nature; while some may enjoy doing repetitive activities, others seek a fast-paced and constantly changing environment. This essay will consider why some people prefer to stick with doing the same things time and again, thereby avoiding change. It will also take into consideration the school of thought of others who believe change is constant and that they have to flow with the dynamics that come with it.

Firstly, people who prefer to stay in their comfort zone have a higher tendency to enjoy doing the same thing over a long period of time. The ease with which they are able to carry out activities/tasks they are familiar with makes them resistant to change. Secondly, the fear of not knowing what lies ahead when they embrace change is another factor which makes people choose to continue doing the same thing. They would rather stay in their safe space than take risks. For instance, an organization might want to introduce a new set of equipment to boost productivity; they will oppose this idea because they have mastered an earlier machine and do not want to undergo the stress of learning how to operate the new equipment. They are just comfortable with the machine they are used to.

On the other hand, people who embrace change are always willing to try out new things. This helps them to be abreast of the latest developments and technologies in their career or chosen field. People who embrace change are adventurous and willing to take risks, which consequently might open doors that they might not have been able to access. Also, some schools of thought believe that change is inherent in humans and that it is important to embrace change whenever it presents itself.

In my opinion, change is a good thing, and it should be embraced by everyone. The fear of the unknown should not be allowed to deter us from the benefits that come with embracing change. Moreover, doing the same thing over and again will make it monotonous, but when changes are introduced and embraced, there will be enthusiasm, and the activity becomes interesting.

Conclusively, the advantages of embracing changes outweigh that of repeating the same thing. To this end, people should embrace changes when they present themselves as it might be the opportunity of a lifetime they have been waiting for.

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