Some People Say that Increasing Business and Cultural

Some People Say that Increasing Business and Cultural Contact Between Countries Is a Positive Development, While Others Think that Many Countries Will Lose Their National Identities as A Result. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.

Some individuals believe that high growth rates of business and festive activities among nations are a positive advancement. In contrast, others think that many countries will have low citizenship outcomes as a result. I believe that beneficial business and cultural connections between nations are a positive trend.

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Businesses established in other countries tend to be very lucrative due to the exchange of goods and services to be offered. People travel to different countries to acquire skills, trade and initiate good relationships. Certain cultural activities demonstrated in various countries are practised by different citizens of other nations, leading to harmonious relations with countries. For instance, a lot of people from European countries such as the USA travel to Africa, especially Ghana, to set up businesses that deal in the import and export of goods like wood, car parts and agricultural products. Some Indian culture, such as greeting, symbols, clothing and dance is learnt and practised by other citizens, resulting in creativity and good relationships. In my opinion, increasing business and cultural connections among netizens has lots of advantages.

On the other hand, many people think that many countries will lose their national identities due to different nationalities. When citizens of a particular country travel, they gain a notion that they need to work to earn income therefore staying there for an extended period. An example is a Nigerian who used to recite his national pledge and sing his national anthem, travels to China and stays there for years; he learns how the Chinese anthem and pledge are said and makes an effort to recite and sing it every time, thereby forgetting his country’s national anthem and pledge. This has a negative impact, leading to the loss of Nigerian citizens. From my perspective, I agree that some individuals will forget their national identities as a result of permanent stay in other countries.

In conclusion, I agree that increasing business and cultural connections builds positive advancement whereas forgetfulness of national identities by citizens will be negatively affected.

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