Some People Say that Individuals Should Change Jobs During Their Working Life Often While Others Believe

Some People Say that Individuals Should Change Jobs During Their Working Life Often While Others Believe that Doing the Same Job Has Advantages for Individuals, Companies, and Society. Discuss Both Views and Give Your Opinion.

Some people believe that employees or individuals have several benefits if they are working for the same company and society and not intended to change while on the other hand, some people say one should shift jobs often during their working life. On a personal note, I agree with both of the views as they both have pros and cons, for example, changing gives you different experiences and sticking to a job may give you promotions or high post in the company or a society.

Firstly, In terms of changing jobs, I believe that the individuals get a variety of experiences, the reason being every organisation operates differently and opens doors for new opportunities whereas working monotonous leads to disinterest which in turn affect the efficiency of the individual.

Secondly, In terms of doing the same job, an individual gets an advantage for being loyal to the company or a society which results in a promotion or other loyalty benefits; for example, Sundar Pichai has been working for Google for over two decades, and the benefits he received are immense benefits like worldwide recognition and also adding to his benefits his net worth is around 1.3 billion dollars.

To be concluded, both views have several advantages and disadvantages, and if an individual wants long term organisation benefits, then the person should do the same job rather than change. The individuals who hunt for different experiences and the people who value different experiences over long term benefits should change their jobs accordingly.

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