Some People Think that They Can Learn Better by Themselves than With a Teacher

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

The process of learning is a very personal thing. Thus, a study arrangement that works for one person may be entirely counterproductive/counter-cultural / counterintuitive for another. For me, I much prefer learning from a teacher to independent study. The merits of a pupil-instructor partnership will be shown by looking at how teachers can both bequeath/instil/derive motivation and cater lesson plans to a student’s interests.

Firstly, students who work with teachers are often more motivated than students who learn alone. For example, I recall being driven to complete readings for small study sessions at university because I knew my professor expected me to engage in this way / do so / capitalize on my studies. Thus, the accountability that teachers bring to the accountability arrangement/student needs/learning mix can greatly encourage students to work hard. This is one of the main reasons I prefer learning with a teacher.

In addition to this, instructors can often energize/fortify/build subjects in a way that makes them easier to study. For instance, a great high school teacher of mine used to teach Shakespearean plays in a very ubiquitous/animated/interesting manner. His enthusiasm for the subject instilled interest in his students, and this accelerated the speed with which pupils digested/ate/gorged the information in his classes. Thus, this is yet another reason I would rather study with a teacher than alone.

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As the above makes clear, there are several advantages instructor-based learning has that independent study does not. Although everyone learns in a similar fashion / differently / productively, I personally derive multiple benefits from having a teacher to interact with. Thus, finding a fitting student-teacher study arrangement is important.

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