Talk About a Time When You Changed Your Opinion

Talk About a Time When You Changed Your Opinion

  • When was it
  • What was the original opinion?
  • Why you changed it?
  • And explain how you felt about it?

Sample Answer of Talk About a Time When You Changed Your Opinion

Thank You, I would like to tell you about my experience when I had to decide to change my opinion in the death line situation.
It happened one year ago when I had an invitation to join in the job interview. To be honest, I did not need a job at that time because I had worked at a good company at that time; I applied for a job because I just tried my Curriculum Vitae on some job vacancies. But, one company invited me to join. In my first opinion, I would not attend this session because the location is far away from my living city. Then, I just took a discussion with my relatives according to this. Then, He gave me advice to attend because the company that invited me is the biggest in my country with a good work-life balance and high salary. As a result, I changed my opinion to attend the job interview. Finally, I feel satisfied with my last opinion because I get a better opportunity to have a job in a good company.

Follow-ups Talk About a Time When You Changed Your Opinion.

Question 1 Do children like to change opinions?

Answer – Yes, I believe that children are still in the way of growing in their emotions and brain. That is why they always change their decision as soon.

Question 2 Why do people change opinions?

Answer – I think people change their decision are caused by some considerations. They choose the decision to find the better option and give an advantage for themselves or others.

Question 3 Who do young people turn to for advice?

Answer – Many people can give a piece of advice. First thing first, we can talk to the older people or experienced people according to the problem.

Question 4 Do people like giving an opinion about politics?

Answer – I don think so. Some people might behave the political views because they follow the information with this problem, and others don’t care about the politics because there is something that is more interesting.

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