Talk About a Time When You Visited a Farm or Met With a Farmer

Talk about a time when you visited a farm or met with a farmer

  • when you met the farmer
  • where you met the farmer
  • What you think about farmers

My last vacation was a very unusual one. I live in the city in my country, and I usually travel out of the country together with my family on holidays so as to relax tighter.

Unlike before, I just decided to visit my grandmother in her village so as to fill the serenity of the local area.

It was on the evening of a weekend, and we sat around grandma while she was telling us about the farming of various crops in those days; however, neither myself nor my two sons know anything about farming. In the attempt to familiarize us with the practical aspect of cultivation, mama, therefore, arranged to take us to his cousin in the Southern part of the village on his farmland.

The following morning, we all drove to see Mr Kundi at his farm. He is a very nice man. He introduced us to different kinds of cash crops such as Yam tuber, maize, cassava, banana plantation and many others.

Mr Kundi is a fulfilled commercial farmer through a subsistence one. Through farming, he has been able to sponsor all his three children up to the university level. He has one of the best houses in the village.

Part 3 Follow-Ups of Talk about a time when you visited a farm or met with a farmer

Question 1:- In your country what kind of farms are most popular?

My country is known for agriculture, both male and female, yet I want to emphasise that the most famous kind of farm is subsistence one.
Despite the efforts from the farm union association, the government of the nation is yet to invest in the sector. Most of the farmers are using local tools; they are not mechanized agriculturists. They are just running the farming with the little incomes they realize from the farm. Therefore, we have small scale farmers in Nigeria than commercial farmers.

Question 2:- Do You think farming is important for the economy of your country?

There are different categories of sectors that contribute to the growth of a nation, such as tourism/culture, education likewise agriculture and some others. However, I want to say that farming is one of the most important to my country’s economy. The source of food production is farming; animal husbandry is farming too. All the furniture using everywhere in the country take its root from the farm. Therefore, farming is an integral part of the economy of my country.

Question 3:- Did you do farm work when you were young?

Hmmm, unfortunately, I didn’t do farming when I was young because I grew up in a city where people believe mostly in education and white-collar job. However, farming is taking the lead in the economic growth of the nation now. Everybody is looking for means of involving in it now. For this reason, I would like to do farming now, even if it is a small quantity.

Question 4:- Give Your views about farmer protest in India?

Hmmm, I’m actually not from India, but I have once read on the internet about the farmer union of Punjab protesting against farm legislation enacted by the central government. The fear is about the government doing away with the minimum support prices. However, I read that the government promised the farmers that they would maintain their usual support. Because of that, I support their agitation probably; if they didn’t come to the street, the government would have withdrawn or reduced their subvention to the farmers.

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