The Average Prices per Kilometre of Clothing Imported Into the European Union from Six Different Countries

The average prices per kilometre of clothing imported into the European Union from six different countries in 1993 and 2003 are shown in the bar chart below. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The average prices per kilometre of clothing imported into the European Union from six different countries

Sample Answer of The Average Prices per Kilometre of Clothing Imported Into the European Union from Six Different Countries

The bar chart gives information about the average prices per kilometre of clothing exported by six different countries between 1993 and 2003 to the European Union.

In 1993, The longest kilometre of clothing was imported from Argentina. Nevertheless, the price was not up to 30 pounds but slightly greater than that of Brazil. There was a slight difference of about 5 pounds in price among other countries decreasing in the following order; Japan, China, India, and Bangladesh.

In 2003, Major import was also from Argentina although the price was somehow lower than that of 1993 while that of Brazil remained the same. Japan’s price reduced by 2 pounds while it is lower than that of China, it is greater than the price of clothing imported from India and Bangladesh.

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