The Chart Below Shows how Much Money Is Spent in The Budget on Different Sectors by The UAE Government in 2015

The chart below shows how much money is spent in the budget on different sectors by the UAE government in 2015. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The Chart Below Shows how Much Money Is Spent in The Budget on Different Sectors by The Uae Government in 2015

The pie chart depicts the expenditure of the Arabian government on various sectors in 2015. Overall, it is clear that UAE had more than 300 billion in the budget, from which almost one part of the budget is invested in security services.

As per the information, the maximum amount( AED 100 billion) of funds was spent in social security and almost half of it was allotted for health and personnel social services, which is 53 billion AED. The Dubai administration had invested exactly AED 38 billion in the education sector. Moreover, around the same amount of funds were required by the defence( 22 billion), other expenditures (23 billion) and debt interest (23 billion).

Furthermore, the local bodies of UAE invested almost 13 billion in agriculture, industry and employment and more than 2 billion dirhams was spent on housing heritage and the environment. Exactly 17 billion was spent on law and order. At last, the very fewer funds were used on the transportation sector, which is AED 9 billion.

In conclusion, the local authority spent the most money on security services while less on transport services.

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