The Diagram Below Shows the Production of Electricity Using a System Called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

The diagram below shows the production of electricity using a system called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC). Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.

The diagram below shows the production of electricity using a system called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

The information about how ocean thermal energy conservation (OTEC) work to produce drinking water has depicted in the rendered diagram.

At first glance, the graph illustrates that the sun gives heat to the ocean water to boil water particles. The solar energy evaporates the water and converts it into water vapour at around 29°C. Then after warmed seawater passes into evaporation chamber employing hoses, here, salt and vapour get separate with the help of heating temperature. The vapour form of water rotates the turbine which placed at the upper side of the chamber and due to rotation of that turbine the electricity would generate.

Next, the remaining vapour passes into the condenser to cool down and change the phase from vapour to liquid, which we can use as drinking water. The condensing chamber also contains salty water to solidify the salt, which we can use in our commercial life.

So, this is the process of purifying drinking water as well as producing electricity by means of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC).

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